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Accueil > English > Pictorial creations > On a straight Line ! (Le Jardin des Tuileries) > An interpretation of Le Jardin des Tuileries > Empreintes / Footprints, trailer V2

- Empreintes / Footprints, trailer V2

,  par Hervé BERNARD dit RVB

Movie selected by
 the Festival Les Jours de Lumière 2017, France
 the Short Film Corner, Festival de Cannes 2015 ;
 in the Forum des Images Collection (Paris)

Made with the support of :
 Dolby France
 La Fondation des Parcs et Jardins

Empreintes / Footprints
18’’ fiction short movie

Despite the fact this movie is in lineage of Chris Marker movie La Jetée (The pier) or Alain Resnais movie Nuits et Brouillard (Nights and Fog) Footprints has his own approach and his own innovative artistic experience. Due to the sound spacialisation, the sound space is animated in the movie theater and small zooms or traveling (3-4 %) on the image are a way to transform and animated the photography which are used in the movie. This is the reason why advice for the best viewing experience to watch Empreintes — Footprints on a screen that is at least 13 inch diagonal or 40 cm long on the largest side and with a good sound system. The audio tracks were mixed using the latest Dolby Atmos technology. Enjoy !

Printable presentation

A Poetic Memoire, a dreamlike walk in time and space....
The narrator, tells us, as his thoughts and pictures unfold, the feelings created by the Tuileries Garden and how a place can help us to cure our woundedness.

An ode to beauty and poetry in one of France’s capital city landmarks.

A composition of photographs taken in the Tuileries Garden during the last thirty years, this film explores the gap between still pictures and film. Its sound space, carried by the narrator’s voice, immerses us in an environment full of magic and realism.

Their comments :
 “The poetic crescendo of the images and the narration was a wonderful experience. Exactly as I believe experiencing this place. from the lack of passion to love. It grabs on you [1]
Louis Benech, landscape designer, one of the two designers who redrawed Le Jardin du Carousel des Tuileries

 “I loved this movie – beautiful, sensitive and heart-warming – all at once alive with history and a foreign perspective. Congratulations of making this wonderful film !
Patrick Lepercq, Festival Les Jours de Lumière president

 “Thanks for this very poetic momentum which I loved and which you allowed me
to discovering. You see this garden as we must see it, in a real presence. Our ways of looking are often lazy, but through your film you have helped us to re-learn how to truly see. This is a wonderfull lesson. This short film is a dense work of art.“

Mathieu François du Bertrand, writer, art critic, Aica’s members

 “This movie is, probably, the only film in the history of cinema that is
totaly dedicated to understanding the experience of Le Jardin des Tuileries.“

Emmanuelle Héran, Conservator, in charge of the parks collections for Le Musée du Louvre

Director : Hervé Bernard
A story by Marco Martella
Editor : Lola Norymberg
Sound designer : Denis Mercier
Voice : Goran Vejvoda (English version)
Images : Hervé Bernard

Keywords Paris, Tuileries, Immigration, Woundedness , Garden, Anthropocen, Urban landscape, Perspective, Jardin à la française.